Kevin Akwasi Amsterdam is a medical officer within the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Montserrat. On a daily basis Dr. Amsterdam is called upon to assess, diagnose and advise patients and other medical staff regarding various health conditions including chronic diseases. Dr. Amsterdam is a native of Guyana and obtained his medical training in Cuba, after which, he worked as a medical practitioner in various medical institutions throughout Guyana.
Prior to his move to Montserrat, his last post was as a Permanent Medical Officer at the Georgetown Public Hospital within the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department for about four years. During this time, he was able to acquire a Termination of Pregnancy certification and License of Termination of Pregnancy.
Dr. Amsterdam’s professional pursuits also permeate his personal life as he hones a keen interest in promoting awareness with regard to overall health and fitness. To this end, Dr. Amsterdam has made an appearance on the local ZJB radio station in an effort to inform the public of ways to achieve overall well-being and continues to search for fora, like this debate, that allow for promotion of health awareness.
Dr. Amsterdam’s hobbies include, but are not limited to, working out frequently, travelling and spending time with family and friends.